While many rumours spread round in society about Athula - Amaya and Samitha - Johnston, a lot of talk circulated around the song sung by Athula - Samitha which won the Gold Award at the Derana Musical Video Award ceremony.
It was a special feature to observe at the ceremony the former wife and sitting side by side with the wife of the divorced father and enjoying cordial relationships and also embracing each other, celebrating the Gold Award. On this sensitive moment, both Athula and Samitha spoke about the issue related to their private life, publicly. Athula expressed his ideas in this connection to a weekend newspaper recently. On that occasion he revealed a special incident about who named the new born baby.
*Weren't there a lot of rumours that you and Samitha were together at an award ceremony recently?
Yes ....some said that this is not America. Then is it Sri Lankan to fight and quarrel? If so, in that case, what we find here are people of a low-grade mentality.
*Isn't there an appearance of a new face to your nest?
Yes .... my daughter's name is Adhitya Shenathya.
*Nice name ... who gave this name?
That name was chosen by my son .... a name found from somewhere, to suit his name. His name is Sheth.
Report from Rivira newspaper - Imalka Gunawardena