Murder alleged to have been committed for a contract of 30 lakhs
My husband has a very bad time these days ......
because of 'eswaha-katawaha'
-- Vaas's wife
DIG Vaas Gunawardene inclusive of 5 police officers and 2 other suspects are being questioned presently on detention orders issued by courts in relation to the abduction and murder of millionaire businessman Mohamed Siyam since new further information is being received.
The CID by now suspects that this murder had been directed by 3 police constables and 1 SI of Peliyagoda police under the directions of Vaas Gunawardene for a contract of 30 lakhs. Mohamed Siyam was murdered in Dompe area. Unofficial information said that a sum of Rs.30 lakhs has been paid by the relevant party to Vaas Gunawardene who has undertaken the contract for this murder. It was further mentioned that about 6 lakhs from that sum of money was given to the 3 police constables and SI by Vaas Gunawardene. The police accepting a contract for murder is a serious issue. If the suspects are in reality involved in this crime, it is seen that not only this murder, information will be revealed about a number of crimes committed in the past, if questioned. Shani Abeysekera of the CID said yesterday in courts that information had been gathered from investigations so far conducted that the police officers who are now in custody and serving the suspected DIG have been involved in a number of murders.
Before this, Vaas Gunawardene's wife Shyamali Priyadarshani has had to appear in courts over a complaint of having brutally tortured a student of Slit Institution in Malabe and news later circulated that because of a problem that cropped up, he had gone to the extent of drinking poison.
About suspecting her husband in relation to the murder of Mohamed Siyam, she expressed the following ideas to Divaina today:
"A big coverage was given by the media when my husband was involved in his duties continuously. Maybe because of that, for certain senior officers it must have been like getting their eyes pricked by thorns. These days my husband is having a very bad 'apala' time. I hadn't tried anything at all to nullify these effects ..... that's what happened.
The law is there to decide on my husband's behaviour. He hasn't done wrong. Truth may come out as it is. These days I'm trying hard to find lawyers to speak on behalf of my husband".