Found imprisoned in a house
It was reported recently from Ohio Province in America of an unusual incident where 3 women who were missing for 10 years were found imprisoned in a house. They were 14, 16 and 20 years of age in a house close to the house where they lived by an evil-looking man named Arial Castro who was at that time 42 years of age. His 2 brothers also had lived in this house and the 3 girls had lived an unfortunate life amidst suffering while during this period 1 girl had given birth to a child and the child had completed 6 years of age. When the 3 women were found, they were 24, 26 and 30 years while Arial Castro was 52 years.
Until these 3 women were found 10 years later, their relatives were of the opinion that they were dead.
The story in brief is as follows. It was another busy day in Cleveland in the Province of Ohio in America. Charles Rumsy was eating a burger. He then heard a female weeping and asking for help from an opening of a door just enough to poke a human hand from a nearby house.
"Please help me. I am now stuck here for quite some time.Please help me". The female voice was incessant. Charles approached the house. He told the woman that he could open that door which was in aluminium, just with one kick, trying to console her and in a short time managed to open the door. The woman came out with a small daughter. "I am Amanda Berry ....". That was all that she could say in a hurry. Charles was gripped by fright and surprised. "How can that be .... Amanda Berry is dead," he said. He could remember the news that 10 years ago a young girl named Amanda Berry was missing and media reports saying that she may have died. Her disappearance was a significant piece of news in the media at that time. Though Amanda did not know, she had been a popular character. "No ... I didn't die. For 10 long years I was imprisoned in this house ... with 2 other girls and with the daughter I got when I was here," Amanda went on saying and that too looking around with some agitation and fear. With that behaviour she displayed the feeling that she had no time to lose.
Charles gave her his phone. She dialled 119, the Emergency unit. "Please help me ... I am Amanda Berry". She then supplied the information to the police and also begged them to come to the house where she was imprisoned as soon as possible. Not only that, over the phone she even gave a physical description of the person who was keeping her and the other girls imprisoned, including his age.
Amanda Berry disappeared in the year 2003. At that time she was 16 years old. Actually she so disappeared just 1 day before her 17th birthday. From there onwards she underwent great torture at the hands of this man who kidnapped her, Arial Castro and had been so imprisoned by him.
Not only for Amanda, it was the same fate that befell the girl Michelle Knight who disappeared when she was passing through her 20th year and in the year 2003 plus the girl Gina Dijitsus who was in her 14th year in the year 2004. Police officers who arrived after Amanda Berry's phone call took the 52 year old Arial Castro together with his 2 brothers named Pedro and Onil into custody. That is the story in brief of the 3 girls being found after disappearing which story became the main news among the most powerful international media recently such as CNN and BBC.
At present the police are engaged in investigations at grassroot level in finding out this incident related to the 3 girls. Why wasn't there even a clue found from the house where they were imprisoned for a period of 10 years and that such a crime had not come to be known? That is something that occupies the mind of anyone who reads, hears and sees this incident.
According to neighbours in the vicinity of this house where the girls were kept captive the former have complained to the police from time to time of shouting being heard from the house and also extraordinary things happening. Among one such complaint is directed against 3 men who had tied the necks of 3 nude women with chains trying to make them submissive. This incident had taken place at the back of this house. But the police had not taken proper action on these complaints.
One neighbour remarked, "The police come to the house and knock at the door ... and since there is no answer or response, they go away. That's what always happens. The man who lived in that house was someone who had a very queer type of behaviour. The other two who are supposed to be his brothers also have that nature. They don't have connections with anyone". He also said that once in a way Arial Castro was seen in the company of a small girl in a nearby park. That 6 year old daughter was a child begotten by Amanda Berry when imprisoned by Castro. Investigations are still underway to find out whether the father of the child is Arial or one of his brothers.
The daily Mail newspaper was able to secure an interview with the son of Arial Castro. He is a bank officer living in the Province of Ohio in America and is Anthony Castro by name. "Actually by this incident I have been embarassed and shocked.I feel as if I had seen a bad dream. I have a very sorry feeling about those girls. I can't explain that in words ...", Anthony told the Daily Mail. According to Anthony, Arial Castro is someone who has a very cruel type of behaviour. He revealed that it was because of that, that he, his 3 sisters and mother Griselda left his father's home in the year 1996 simply because they could not bear his cruelty anymore.
"There was no close attachment that existed between he and us. Even when visiting the house occasionally, we were not permitted to go into certain places in the house ...," Anthony said. In the same way, Anthony divulged some other information which had hitherto has been unravelled about the youngest girl among the three, Gina Dygisus who was missing and in captivity by the Castro brothers. According to the information, Gina is a friend of one of his sisters. If not, a girl of the same age as that of Arial Castro's daughter. Gina had disappeared in a crowded street while coming home from school.
"Gina had been in the company of my younger sister that day. It was Gina who had volunteered to give money to my sister to give a telephone call to my mother in order to ask permission from the latter to go to Gina's home. But since my mother had asked my sister to come home soon, the latter told me that the two of them had gone away in two different directions. As Gina gave my sister the money, she may not have sufficient money left with her and proceeded to walk home. It may be that my father may have met Gina on the way and volunteered to accompany her home ... thus kidnapping her. Now I have that suspicion ..... because Gina had known my father as her friend's father," said Anthony.
Hospital sources said that by this time the missing and later rescued girls are in good health. Whatever it is, these girls who have undergone suffering at the hands of the Castro brothers and finally received freedom after 10 years because of their bravery and their determination are indeed lucky. Instead of what they missed in the 10 years past, they would from here onwards be recipients of love and happiness. The honour of that happiness should be bestowed upon Charles Rumsy and everybody who helped these girls.
Rivira narrative -- Achini Somachandra (Daily Mail)
A video of the story related to the TV by the neighbour who freed the missing girls appears below.