Stabbing incident because of a dansela
by two students in same class in leading school One dead

    An unfortunate incident is reported from Aturugiriya where a conflict
lict that occured between two students of the same school and same class had gone beyond control while they were discussing arrangements regarding a dansela with other friends in a house at which moment one of them had stabbed the other with a knife, and on receiving injuries had passed away.

   The two of them had been studying at Mahanama Vidyalaya in Colombo and both of them having sat for the O/L were preparing for their A/Ls. The day in question, they had got together with friends to discuss about organising a Vesak dansela.

  The incident had occured day-before-yesterday in the morning hours. In view of the Vesak festival, the group of friends had got together at about 10 a.m. at a friend's house day-before-yesterday to discuss the matter. When the friends were discussing as to how the dansela was to be organised, it was said that the two boys had expressed contrasting views and had brought up old issues at that moment and begun to fight with each other.

  It was revealed that when a musical show was held about an year ago, even on that occasion the two of them had engaged in fisticufs and that since then the two of them had been at daggers end. These two students had been addicted to watching wrestling fights shown on TV which is now a popular wave' and had shown a desire for fighting.

   At the incident that took place that morning with the argument reaching high tones, efforts were taken by others to settle the matter but to no avail. On that day too the two of them had gone to the extent of fighting with each other.As a result of a heavy blow aimed at the other one of the students had fallen down. He had then got up with some difficulty and is supposed to have behaved where his temper knew no bounds. Immediately he had dashed in a frantic manner towards the kitchen in the house and had brandished himself with a knife and had jumped on his friend and kept on stabbing piercing the body at several points.

    The student with stab injuries was initially admitted to Homagama Hospital and since his condition was serious he was then transferred to General Hospital, Colombo and while receiving treatment succumbed to his injuries last morning (07th). The student who passed away in this manner is, 16 year old Chalaka Dhanushka.

     Aturugiriya Police who conducted investigations over this incident arrested the suspect in this murder and also took into custody the weapon used for the purpose.

   Other friends who gave evidence said that the exchange of words that took place over the organising of the dansela for the Vesak festival having gone too far ended in this stabbing case.

   Further investigations are underway and legal measures are being taken over the student in custody. 
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