How he collapsed and died at Bakmaha Race
In a recent marathon competition held in Rambukkana, a 72 year old person collapsed and died. Why did such an old person participate in a marathon competition? It was a marathon competition meant for people above 50 years.
At this marathon competition, aged Yasaratna had run the race in a speed suitable for 100 metre race. Yasaratna who had been a skillful runner in his youth, it is said, had clinched victory in previous such races meant for old people. But he had practised for short-distance running.
The Avurudu Festival Marathon Race called the Suryanjali Vasantha Udyanaya which was held at the Rambukkana Bathamuraya grounds had been allocated at the Avurudu Festival separately for females and males. The organising committee had decided to select winners each from those who participated in the age group of over 40 years and those above 50; by holding only one competition.
K.Yasaratna who died was 72 years old and a father of 4 children. It was said that he collapsed after a short while after starting the race and those who were behind him had lifted him and taken steps to admit him to hospital. But he had passed away before admission.
Mr.Yasaratna had been an active member of the Rambukkana Celebrated Athletes' Sports Club and though he was an old person, it had been a habit of his to come to the Rambukkana sports club grounds daily after getting up as early as 4 in the morning and engage in physical exercises. He was a person who had displayed exceptional ability in short-distance running.
The President of the Sports Club spoke of Mr.Yasaratna's abilities:
"Mr.Yasaratna was a staunch member of our Club. He had won such events like the 100,200,400 and 800 metres and brought a number of prizes and awards to Rambukkana. He is actually a fine expert in short-distance running. He participated every year in the short-distance running meets held at the Suryanlali Bakmaha Ulela. He won at all such events. During the past few days he was somewhat sick. It was while he was in that condition that he participated in the Marathon Race instead of the short-distance race. He was running almost abreast of me. After running about 3 km. he suddenly said that his chest was paining and then sat down. I spoke to several who were near me and put him in the ambulance which was coming behind us. After that I kept on running with the other contestants After finishing the race and only when we came to the grounds that we came to know that he had passed away. I think that he competed in this marathon race in a speed that required to run the 100 metres. It's because that speed was too much for him to bear that he got this heart pain. If he had run at the normal speed, this wouldn't have happened. However, it is normal for a contestant to gain ahead of his rival. That's the nature of a contestant in a competition".
Mr.Yasaratna it is said was a person who greeted anybody with a smile and though he was 72 years of age was a very active man full of humane qualities.
Prior to joining the competition he had not had any practice suitable for a marathon race. No medical examination had been performed after his death.
In most instances it was the topic of discussion that prior to participation in marathon races the participant should subject himself or herself to a medical test. But implementation is still in a poor stage is proved by this death itself.