Nawaloka hospital authorities confesses that Buddhni little daughter was not entered into the MRI Scanner

A media release has been released by the authorities of the Nawaloka hospital regarding the fact that Buddhini Kaushalya, a resident of ‘Mabima’ in Kelaniya had died as result of a blast inside the MRI Scanner. This information for the cause of her death, the Nawaloka hospital authorities had denied. What was reported earlier is all incorrect they had issued a statement in this regard.
It had been said that this girl had been suffering from ‘fits of convulsions’ and according to reports from Nawaloka hospital authorities had added that had died subsequent to a ‘fit’ she had got when she was taken to the MRI scanning room. They had confirmed that the little girl had not been made to go into the MRI scan machine.
The girl’s mother had confessed that the girl was suffering from the decease ‘Rexene Rome’ deceases. In the statement issued it is stated that this child buddhini Kaushalya Ratnayake had been treated by one of Sri Lanka’s famous Consultant Paediatrician for some time.
Under the instructions of this Paediatrician this scan had been ordered and it was not done as she had got the ‘fit’ before the scan examination was performed. As she was a bit serious she had been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Nawaloka hospital.
In the statement they reiterate that the child was not entered into the MRI scanning machine. Also deny that there was no explosion heard as stated in the media and on that particular day 13 scheduled MRI scans had been done successfully. In the statement the authorities of the Nawaloka hospital however sympathises with her death .They have added that there had been no fault of the MRI Scanner and there had been no negligence on the part of the authorities of the Nawaloka hospital.
Today the 18th the case from the child’s side would be heard at the Fort Magistrates courts.

The previous letters the Gossiplankanews web site published:
  • Jayantha Dharmadasa says there was no fault made by the Nawaloka hospital authorities from HERE:
  • In a famous private hospital a five year girl dies following a blast inside a MRI scanner machine could be read from HERE:
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