---Gossip –Lunu Dehi----

With the appointment of new Ministers, a new ministry too was born. That is Ministry of Sugar and its minister is Lakshman Seneviratne.  Do we really need such a ministry? We pointed that question to our public. One person said that it seems to be a good decision because the intake of sugar of the Sri Lankans has increased a lot and that it needs to be addressed. So he said that this ministry can take actions to control diabetes by holding workshops and seminars to educate them on the consequences of high sugar intake.
Specially, a recent research pointed out those diabetic patients in Sri Lanka will rise from 50% in the year 2050. Therefore, controlling sugar intake is important.
Another person told us that a ministry has been established because the sugar factory which was transferred to the government could not be opened. So therefore, a Minister has been appointed to make sure that it starts functioning.
Another person mentioned: There had been jokers during the reign of kings in the past and that they have become famous by eating sugar. For example: Andare. Therefore, this ministry too has been given to a joker.
What do you think about the Minister of sugar? Add your comments to Gossip Lunu Dehi.
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