There are many people who get very frustrated when they are born with abnormalities in their bodies. When this happens when born many become very nervous and fear to face people.
Dharmasiri Pothupitiya is a resident of Kalutara. 35 years old is only three feet in height. However he was able to find a partner, Dilini Iroshini also three feet in height and to whom he had got married last week.
For all his work his height had not been a barrier. But he never gave up hopes to live a normal life. He has one brother and five sisters who are normal persons, well built without height problems. As he was short from his small days he was always subjected to abuse. But he never took anything seriously.
Sometime back he had gone to Tangalle to learn to be a watch repairing technician. After learning the trade he earned money for himself as a self employment. Then he went a step further by learning to repair mobile phones. From his earnings he had purchased a three wheeler to travel from place to place, as it helped to visit clients who needed his services.
Later on in a plot of land that belonged to his father in Ela Modera area in Galpotta he built a small room and opened it as a shop to carry on his business of repairing watches and mobile phones. As his work load increased he employed two persons to assist him the business which started to flourish. He subsequently built a two storied building to live and to expand his business.
But what was worrying him was in finding a partner to marry as there was no one willing to marry him as he was only three feet in height and was considered a ‘dwarf’. Dharmasir’s brother and sisters made a lot of efforts to find him a
However one day while Dharmasiri was travelling in a bus a stranger, simply an acquaintance had got into a cordial discussion with him and had told him that there is a girl who is also three feet in height, 26 years old in Moratuwa known to him and he could propose her to Dharmasiri.
Both parties were made to meet and they agreed to marry without much hassle at all. The marriage had taken place last week. Now the couple lives happily in Dharmasiri’s upstairs house in Galpotha Diyagama area in Kalutara. This story is a good example to those who have negative attitudes in facing such situations. The case of Dharmasiri is one very good example for those with negative attitudes with born deformities to imitate.