“I am not responsible for things what my Tenant does in my building”
- Samudra Hikkaduwa

Tele and Film actress Samudra Hikkaduwa has spoken to our web site perhaps after reading the article on the subject of Tele actresses’ hotel raided and proved to be a brothel house published in our web site. This hotel was raided and proved to be brothel house by the Police Crime Division at Walana, Panadura. The Tele actress had contacted our web site over the phone and had sent a scanned document of a ‘lease’ agreement to be given equal publicity.
She had informed that it is true that she is the owner of the building and it had been leased out to one Wasantha Kumar for a sum of Rs 50,000/( Rupees fifty thousand only) per month. She had not known what activities took place in that building. For the questions that were posed and the answers given by are appended clearly below for the information of our interested readers of our web site.

Question: Were you not aware that such an activity was going on in your leased out building?
Answer:”No, I was not at all aware. I had no business to find out what type of business they carried out in my building. I need not go inside the building. It is purely his business. As for me the rent was the important thing.”

Question: Did they tell you what type of business they intended to do after it was leased out?
Answer:”They had told me to run a business when it was taken on rent. It was a lease deed and it is stated it should not be used for such activities. These activities however had taken place without my knowledge. I am not connected to the business.”

Question: Didn’t the Police inquire anything about It.?
Answer: “The Police know where I resided and may have known my telephone numbers. The entire Sri Lanka knows who I am. Until now the Police or the CID had not questioned me on this matter.
I had given the building to Wasantha Kumar after signing a lease agreement. A scanned copy is sent to you via e mail for publishing in your web site.”

The earlier article published in our web site under the caption. “Tele Actresses Brothel caught at Moratuwa” could be read from HERE:
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