During the past few days it was reported that a large number of Sri Lankans had attempted to reach Australia in trawlers and had been apprehended near the ’Christmas’ islands. Could they gain entry to Australia in that manner?
It was the view that in their attempt if they got caught the consequences they had to face were severe. Now it is learnt and reported that there is a secret for such a tendency to happen.
It is known that at a debate in the Government of Australia’s Senate, the
It is learnt that there are 1300 such refugees who have been accepted and permission to enter Australia by the related authorities.
They have a secret behind their chances in escaping from ‘Christmas islands’. They have been told to tell only two words to the security officers when they are apprehended. They are ‘Genocide’ (annihilation) and Asylum ( political protection).With they say these two words they could enter Australia.