-Wanniyala Aththo
A lot of protests were organized all over the country against UN Human Rights Council resolution which was to bring proposals against the President and against Sri Lankan armed forces .
Among them a rare protest was seen in Dabhana. The Leader of the Veddas, Wanniyala Aththo made a speech before the television cameras. This is the first time the Veddas joined in a common protest with the awareness of
A summary of his speech is as below:
“Our country had caught fire. Those days the country was going through a lot of crisis, but today our Leader has saved our country from all destruction and we now live in peace. So at a time when the many renowned countries in the whole
fï we;a;kaf. rg fmdÊfc .sks rÊc ukafod fj,’’
fï rg fmdÊcu úkdijk ld,fuÊcla ;sín
ta ld, fuÊfcka wo ojia fmdÊc ukafod fjkfldg
fï rg fmdÊcu ksoyia fmdÊc ukafod lrf.k ;sfhkj’’
b;ska fï ksoyia fmdÊc ukafod lrj, ÿkak fï kdhl, we;af;dkag úreoaO f,dal fmdÊcu l;d ouk fj,djl
ta;ekg úreoaO lrka ;uhs fï Woaf>daIk fmdÊc ;sífn
fï rg fmdÊcg úreoaO ;ekska l;d ouk tl fld|hs
fï rg fmdÊfc r|k ñks.a.Êfcd yß
f,dal fmdÊfc r|k ñka.a.Êfcd yß ys;a,d.kak ´k
fï rg fmdÊfc .sks rÊfcd ukafod lrk ldf,a
yeu ñks.a.Êfclau we~qï fmdÊc ukafod flrej
ta yeu l÷¿ fmdÊcu tl;= lrka ukafod flrefjd;a
l,f.ä fmdÊcj,a j, ,d.Épkakg
fï rg fmdÊfc wïñ, we;af;d wmams, we;af;d lel=f<d
we~qï fmdÊc ukafod lr, ;shkj
fï rg fmdÊfc kdhlhg úreoaO ;efka fudk tlla yß
fjk rg fmdÊcj,a j,ska ux.Épkjkx
fï jf.a fj,d fmdÊcl yeu ñks.a.Êfclau
tl;= ;ek ukafod fjkak ´k