The terrifying homicidal fights are pleasure bringing simple matters to me: S.B
At a function held yesterday, the Higher Education Minister S.B. Dissanayake said that captured the entire power and strength of the University students. Although it is now in my hands certain factions are trying to recapture it.They are simple and pleasure bringing moments to me.
What he said was:
“Those who enter Universities each year are the brightest students as well as the cream of the students. After 3-4 years when they pass out there are no jobs on offer to them. They cannot be isolated. The Professors, Chancellors and me as the Minister of Higher Education are responsible for it.
To make drastic changes to this matter Professors and Chancellors should be ready. What happened during the past 30 years need to be imitated. I changed it. But the new faction of the JVP has got into a dangerous stride to capture the power of the Universities. For me such happenings are common and used to. The Homicidal fights that they instigate bring pleasure to me.”
What he disclosed is shown in the video BELOW: