I could change the Government with a proper UNP leader in three months- CHANDRIKA

If the UNP comes to me with a proper Leader I can topple the Government in three months had quipped the former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga when she had accidently met an opposition M.P while boarding an Emirates flight in Dubai.
According to this report the incident is as follows:
UNP Member of Parliament, Buddhika Pathirana had been on his way back from Canada following an educational tour.hen in Dubai while boarding an Emirates flight passing the ‘Business’ class section of the plane he had seen a known face seated wearing a white trouser and jersey covering her body. It was the former President ‘CBK’ who had asked him “how are you”. Buddhika was surprised to have been identified by the former President. He had immediately said “good morning Madam”.
When Buddhika gave her due respect she started to speak to him.”How is your party she questioned CBK”.”There is nothing in particular Buddhika replied”. She then said “if you come to me with a capable a Leader I can topple this Government in three months”.
“You are with the Sajith’s faction, the former President’s son”.”Yes I am with Sajith. I saw in web sited that Sajith’s office at the party Headquarters had been removed Buddhika has quipped”. The former President said” not nice, but Ranil is better than the Rajapaksa’s.The Attanagalla people say that they cannot win”.”Do the constituents speak to you”. “They are scared to speak but however, important people speak through other methods of communication, said it with a smile”.
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