Trump who visited White House with Melaniya and son-in-law ... meet Obama

 Trump who visited White House with Melaniya and son-in-law ... meet Obama

Trump who visited White House with Melaniya and son-in-law ... meet Obama

Donald Trump who claimed victory at the American President Elections on November 8th is expected to take oaths as the new President in the third week of January according to American tradition. As such, it would be Obama who would be continuing his office holding the portfolio as the incumbent President for a further 2 months or so.

As there would be a transference of power from
the Democratic Party to the Republican Party, there are many matters that needs to be discussed in relation to positions of responsibility in the country and about future plans between the former and new Presidents. It was on the invitation of Obama that the future President Trump visited the White House yesterday to discuss these matters. Motor vehicles carrying Trump's wife and Trump's son-in-law proceeded across exceedingly tight security zones at about 10.30 a.m. American time and though the customary welcome was afforded them by the staff concerned, the media was prohibited from taking any photographs.

Subsequently Trump was escorted to the 10 minute consultation arranged between the two of them at the Oval office in the White House and Melania was directed to the sofa where Mitchel Obama was. During the election period Trump had made speeches against Trump and had thus proceeded to make grave criticisms against him. After uttering such remarks in the end he had mentioned that what he had built up for 8 years during his tenure would be destroyed with the advent of Trump. Though he made such outrageous remarks, Obama had to bend down his head to the favour of the public and transfer his powers to Trump.

Yesterday at the Obama - Trump encounter, old issues were forgotten and both shook hands with each other and greeted each other. Though the meeting was scheduled for just 10 minutes it had extended for a period spanning 90 minutes, it was said. It was a private meeting which was not exposed to the media. After the meeting and while going out Trump who made a statement to the media what he said was that Obama spoke very cordially and that important ideas were exchanged on the occasion. Whatever it is, certain American websites criticised the manner in which Trump comported himself at the confrontation. It has been reported that the way Trump had placed his hands was not disciplinary and that there is something strange about the manner in which the future President comports himself.

In the meantime the meeting between Melania and Mitchel had been on a warm note, it was understood. She had engaged in conversation pointing at places where she had made certain changes in the White House. It was learned that Mitchel's objective was to explain concerning locations about the position of the White House and places reserved where the children are to play about and the like.

The third person who joined in this journey with Trump and his wife was Trump's son-in-law Jared Krushner who happens to be the husband of Ivanka, a daughter from the first marriage. During the meeting he had been moving around all over White House and having a cordial chit-chat with heads of various offices there. What American media say is that once Trump assumes the position of President, Jared is expected to be appointed as the Administrative Officer of the White House. After confronting all people, when leaving White House Trump had wished Obama well across a Twitter message. This is what he said: 

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