Ranil, Mahinda, Basil at same table at Samanmali's wedding

Ranil, Mahinda, Basil at same table at Samanmali's wedding

Ranil, Mahinda, Basil at same table at Samanmali's wedding

Several Government as well as Opposition Party politicians were seen present at the wedding occasion of Provincial Council Member Samanmali Sakalasuriya and Yadamini, son of Dinesh Gunawardena, which event was held at
the Colombo Hilton some days back.

Though former President Mahinda was called to place his signature as witness at the wedding as Dinesh was attached to the United Opposition, members of the UNP such as Ranil and Malik were present. At the moment Ranil was present for the wedding festival, Mahinda was already present there and Ranil was made to sit close to Mahinda. Basil Rajapaksa too was at the same table. Samanmali - Yadamini couple too approached the table concerned and engaged in a chat with them.

Discrepancies connected to politics were in no way relevant at this happy moment. Whatever it is, the bulk of the wedding celebrations were represented by the United Opposition.

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