Janabalaya milk packet issue and ... indigestion of Dallas

Janabalaya milk packet issue and ...  indigestion of Dallas

Janabalaya milk packet issue and ...
indigestion of Dallas

Various rumours floated around that a political hand was behind after some people who attended the protest fell sick during the Janabalaya protest held a few days back by the United Opposition because of drinking some packets of milk distributed in the process.

When the United Opposition said that some poison has been injected into the packets of milk, the
other party questioned as to how those were found blown up. Whatever it is, when investigations in this connection are still not over, it is seen that the United Opposition and allied media are engaged in boosting the story about milk packets as the biggest issue in relevance to Janabalaya. In the meantime what was reported yesterday was MP Mr. Dallas Alahapperuma who drank one of these milk packets had fallen sick. He had said that he was suffering from an indigestion for three days after having drunk one of these milk packets. MP Dallas further stated that he has still not recovered from that condition and on and off he gets the urge to visit the toilet. The MP finally said that after falling sick he searched for the packet of milk and that the production date of it was stated as August 24th and the expiry date was stated as September 30th.
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